Saturday 15 October 2016


So I have now been in Brussels for 17.5 weeks and I only have 9.5 weeks left!!! What?! I'm soooo sad about this, like I honestly want to cry when I think about leaving haha. So I guess you could say I was enjoying my year abroad so far! 

I had my weekly feedback meeting with my manager yesterday and it was really good, she asked me for a lot of feedback and what I wanted to achieve before I finish my placement. I said I'd like to try translating something from another collection (like history or coaching or something) so I'm hoping I'll get to do one of those soon! My first translations have just gone on sale on Amazon which is soooo exciting! Like I know it's super corny but I just feel really proud that I've got actual translations with my name on already at my age! So everyone go buy them so my manager thinks I'm great, thanks :)

What would a post about Belgium be without a picture of Mannekin Pis in a ridiculous outfit??
 Apart from work life is gooood. I'm still going to choir, and apart from that I just do lots of stuff with my housemates, colleagues and other friends like going for drinks (especially at Place Lux on Thursdays hehe), going out, watching films, going to the beach, etc. So life is busy and fun! 

So Belgium is apparently super religious and has these little chapel things where you can pray like everywhere! Super cute
 I've also been given my first uni assignments which (never ever tell anyone I said this pls) I'm actually sort of enjoying doing! I guess I've just missed education which I really never thought I'd say, but I do! I miss studying and learning, I guess I'm not ready for the world of work just yet haha. But I'm sure as soon as I start back at uni next year I'll be dreaming of graduation! 

Vol-au-vent aka the best meal you can physically eat in Belgium!
So that's pretty much it for this month's update! Basically, I'm happy and busy and don't want to come home (soz family)!

A la prochaine!
